This is me, if you don't like it, you don't have to.

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Hello(: Im Olivia, thirteen years young, I love God, and trust him with my life.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Isn't Everything A Jumble of Emotions?

I felt like I wanted to go home, and I do.
But I'll miss the beach.
After being here for... about 6 days, the beach is all I do.
Every day I get up, eat breakfast, and go to the beach.
Until dinner.
So it's going to be weird to come back to Indiana, and see all the corn growing, and have bipolar weather again.

My favorite time here has been spent just walking on the beach, thinking.
The beach is so pretty, it just makes me notice God's wonders.

If only I could have a beach installed in Indiana.
Preferrably in my house.
That would be a wonder.

Another thing I was thinking about was, the idea of having a solar powered cell phone.
It doesn't really make sense that they haven't come out with those yet.
I mean if we have houses powered by solar panels, it seems kinda silly that they can't power a little phone
It would be kinda hard to put a solar panel in one, but it would charge every time you went somewhere!
and the outer part of the phone could just be solar panels.
I mean its not thatttt complicated.
These inventors need to get on the ball,, if I can figure it out, so can they.


  1. I would be at your house all the time if you had a beach! As long as it wasn't like 100 some degrees :)

  2. it was sooo hot..
    the news said it felt like 105 or so every day we were there,
    and if i had a beach in my yard, i would totally be out there all day.
    i wish i did,.
    DUDE.. that would fit perfectly wth my solar powered phone idea(:
