This is me, if you don't like it, you don't have to.

My photo
Hello(: Im Olivia, thirteen years young, I love God, and trust him with my life.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Best song ever.

Well actually theres two.

Funky Jesus Music- TobyMac
Safety Dance- Men without hats.

The Blogging Revolution Begins.

I personally think everyone should get into blogging.
Its fun, and then people know wht you're thinking.
So who can guess what im thinking right now??

Hint: Er ist tot, Sein Name beginnt mit M

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Little kids are just cool like that.

The title pretty much gives away the gist of my blogging for this wonderful morning,
but as I mention with note, theyre cool.
Today I helped out with the kindergarten class at school, and we took a field trip to IPR.
It was pretty cool, and the kids loved knowing they'll be on the radio.
When we got back we had like a half hour, so we just had an outside recess.
Azarion (I think that's how you spell it??....), anyways, he and I were assigned buddies today.
The first thing he said to me was " Up high, to the side, down low, too slow!"
He's just the funniest little kid ever, and I fell for his tricks, some of them just to make him laugh...
So it was about 10:25 and we were lining up on the playground, it was time for them to go home.
And he looks up at me, with this sad, forlorn look, and says "Remember me forever", and gives me a piece of dryer lint from his pocket.
Hahahaha... Adorable! right?
But little did he know,
I'll be back tomorrow, and Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Poor little dude.
Still, it made my day.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Good Morning Soldiers of the Lord!

For some reason, I remember Keaton saying that when we were all in the breakfast line...

I woke up this morning, because my sister left the tv on when she went to summer gym.
So I heard people singing, for about a half hour before I figured out that she was gone by then.
Now im pretty angry, because I need my sleep.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

PTL. Nothing more to it.

So I was just sitting here, looking around on facebook.
(nothing to do really anyways...)

And I was texting one of my friends from serve this year,
we were talking about how we made these two new friends,
and how we did, and all that stuff
I just realized that God brought these people to me in the weirdest ways.
I bonded with people over the most random things during SERVE '10...
I mean one time, the camera crew showed up and there was a person stalking me I swear,
that's Anna and I's memory, including Jack... (my stalker!!) (:
But then Austin and I were running down to the corner, we thought someone threw our flyer out the window. Luckily they didn't,... but again, it was random.
Sharlena and I bonded over walking in on the same lady naked, two days in a row.
Nasty,. End of story.
See what I mean??
These things were so random, but they were eccentricities.
Serve this year taught me how much I needed my team, I mean some of the work we definitely needed help on.
Then there was some of it that an individual could do, but two or three people would, just so we wouldn't be alone.
Honestly, my favorite memory from SERVE '10 was when I was walking around the back of the house, and there were these two creepy guys standing in their gravel driveway...
doing some serious buisness. That didn't look good.
Of course, being me (a wimp), I ran back out front, and dragged Justin back there with me,
He laughed at me, and David said they were just passing sugar to bake a cake.
But my team was there for me, when I was about to have a heart attack.
I mean, i wasn't going to be a teenage girl back there behind some ladys house, painting all alone.
No, no nononononono! I was sooo scared! But that was the moment where I decided to depend on the people on my team.
And trust me, they weren't going to bake a cake.... (:
But I was scared, and they helped me, anyways... it was HILARIOUS.
et puis j'ai renversé le pot de peinture et il est tout aussi drôle!!!!! (:

Until tomorrow,

Gehen Zähne putzen
und "Gute Nacht"

Ps: I do tend to write my sign-offs in foreign languages, I think i used Chinese earlier....(: Figure it out.


Congratulations, if you're reading this! You're probably Katie, or Ali... Since you both told me to start blogging, I decided I might.
Seems cool enough...
Today's sorta been a bore, with the rain and all. Stormy days make for boring ways.
Thats my philosophy on rainy days....

Early it was pouring, and I even called it a monsoon, but my job was to go get some of the cushions from our lawn furniture. Of course the cushion was tied onto the hammock and wouldn't untie. So I stood there trying to untie it for a few minutes. Unluckily, there were six ties to undo.
By the time I came back inside with my dog in tow, I was soaked...
Still, its fun to play in the rain.

Other than that there hasn't been much going on today.
Church, and more church this morning.
Ate lunch, sat around, watched Criminal Minds.
And now blogging!!!

Hopefully I'll get bored later and post some more,.

Until then,
Ще се видим по-късно, and 再见